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NFRN message to News International

Enhanced margin and realistic price required if Sun on Sunday is to light up sales, NFRN warns.

The NFRN, whose members account for over 30 per cent of all newspaper sales, is warning News International that its new Sunday newspaper must launch at an appropriate price and with attractive retail terms if it wants to achieve the support of independent newsagents.

Commenting on this weekend’s launch of the Sun on Sunday, NFRN National President Kieran McDonnell (pictured) said: “Whilst any initiative that will kickstart dwindling Sunday sales is to be welcomed, News International has to be mindful that it cannot take our members support for granted.

“For many NFRN members the News of the World was their most popular paper and the closure of the title, at the height of the phone tapping scandal, had a significant impact on their Sunday sales. We did not want to see the News of the World close and our worst fears were confirmed when many of its buyers stopped purchasing a Sunday paper completely.

“And despite the disappearance of the News of the World, there was no reduction in carriage charges for members supplied direct by News International, thus losing them yet more money.”

NFRN Chief Executive Paul Baxter added: “The launch of the Sun on Sunday gives News International a great opportunity to win back the confidence of both retailers and consumers. They would do well to remember that independent newsagents account for well over half of all newspaper sales and they will be making a decision whether or not to support the Sun on Sunday if the margin and price are unrealistic.”