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NFRN Sets Out News Agenda

The NFRN has written to newspaper and magazine publishers and news wholesalers identifying areas of real concern to members and asking for support in recognising the important contribution that independent shops make within the news industry.

Issues of concern identified by members include retail margins, insertion fees, delivery times across the industry, copy allocation, vouchers and wholesale service.

These will be raised by National President Alan Smith (pictured) and members of the NFRN’s news operations committee in face to face meetings with all publishers and wholesalers that are scheduled to take place between now and the end of the year.

Commenting on the launch of the NFRN’s new news policy for newspapers and magazines, Mr Smith said: “The independent sector is an enormously important channel for newspapers and magazines and we believe has a real potential to play a key part in reversing the worrying decline of the industry if the right conditions can be put in place.

“We have written to publishers and wholesalers setting out the key areas that impact on independent newsagents, highlighting the concerns of our membership and suggesting change.

“We now look forward to engaging positively with all parties on the issues raised in our policy document and to working with them to find solutions.”