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Northcliffe appoints four new senior editors in South East

Northcliffe Media has announced four new senior editor appointments as part of an editorial restructure of its south east business.

All are internal promotions and follow the departure of editorial director Alan Geere last month.

The four roles report directly into Managing Director, Richard Karn and will be responsible for driving more flexible and modern working practices across the region’s four businesses, including greater use of user generated content and developing digital platforms.

Neville Wilson will head the Essex Chronicle Media Group and oversee the Essex Chronicle and Brentwood Gazette. He retains editorship of the Brentwood Gazette. Paul Dent Jones, currently deputy editor on the Essex Chronicle is promoted to Editor filling the vacancy left by Geere.

Roger Kasper retains editorship of the Sevenoaks Chronicle and becomes Senior Editor of the Courier Media Group. Ian Read will work with Roger and will continue to edit the Kent and Sussex Courier Series.

Glenn Ebrey will head up East Surrey and Sussex Media and retain editorship of the Croydon Advertiser, overseeing the Crawley News, edited by Andy Worden and the Surrey Mirror Series edited by Deanne Blaylock.

Rebecca Smith leads the Kent Regional News and Media titles and retains editorship of the Thanet Gazette. She will work closely with Folkestone Herald and Dover Express editor, Simon Finlay who will also take responsibility for training across the South East, and John Nurden.

South East Managing Director Richard Karn said: “I am confident these new appointments will help us drive and deliver significant changes to keep our business on a healthy footing. Neville, Roger, Glenn and Rebecca are to be congratulated on their appointments and they will lead a team of talented and respected editors. I look forward to working with them to build on the substantial improvements made with our titles under Alan Geere.”

The appointments are effective from Monday 15 October 2012.