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Northcliffe Digital launches Digital Response

Northcliffe Digital – the digital division of Northcliffe Media, has recently launched Digital Response.

Digital Response is a full service digital marketing agency providing internet marketing strategies, techniques and solutions for small and local businesses.

The launch of the agency marks Northcliffe Digital’s evolution from a media business offering of directory, classified and digital inventory sales across Northcliffe Digital's 'this is' and localpeople websites, to a 360 degree provision of excellent digital products including website creation, Search Engine Optimisation, online video creation and social media services, claims Northcliffe.

Digital Response simply packages these together to arm local business with the “best possible chance of response and cut through within a cluttered digital marketplace”.

Lee Williams, Northcliffe’s Executive Director - Digital said: "Digital Response delivers local leads, response and awareness for local business with proven return on investment through first class delivery. Already over 20 per cent of our customers now take more than two of our suite of digital products.

"Our customers are bombarded with digital advertising and product opportunities. Digital Response removes the confusion for our customers and provides a simple one stop shop they can trust to deliver – their very own local digital agency. Our Digital Response offering ensures that we have a leading solution that fits our customer's needs today which we can grow further to improve both their digital return on investment and presence.

"Digital is now the leading channel of ad spend in the UK accounting for 28 per cent of the total advertising pie, worth £4.78bn, according to IAB UK/PWC Survey. Our Digital Response suite of products enables Northcliffe Media to develop strong and significant customer volumes and revenues. This breadth of product solutions has been key to the 48 per cent year to date revenue growth of our direct digital team."