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ProImage introduces Eversify

ProImage takes its production automation expertise to the cloud with Eversify, a SaaS (Software as a Service) solution.

Eversify is designed specifically for newspapers that are looking for a straightforward way to enter the new world of mobile digital publishing without increasing production costs while providing a rich reading experience.

According to ProImage: Eversify enables publishers to deliver their newspapers to a variety of tablet and smart mobile devices. Eversify uses HTML5, which allows clear separation of style from content and delivers a powerful presentation in the form of sophisticated image handling, audio and video animation. Embedded Javascript allows search, bookmarks, and access to other online links, such as Facebook, Twitter, and other publisher-specific functionality.

“Publishers are in the content business. Just as ProImage has helped them get their content on plates and finally on paper, with Eversify we can convert their content to a mobile platform. E-media and print will coexist. Our solution will allow newspapers to make money from e-media without having to make a large investment in technology and personnel.” said Izzet Edige, General Manager EMEA, New ProImage.

Content is captured or delivered from any content system in use today at the newspaper – be it Editorial or Web – by the Eversify server. The data is analysed and automatically processed through ProImage’s intelligent content mapping and template technology to produce an issue that is ready to preview and edit if necessary.

The final publication is delivered to any hosting environment to be accessed by the complementary branded reader application. Within the App, that also supports dynamic content, the reader then accesses a highly interactive and robust reading experience.

“The beauty of Eversify is that there is no interruption to the everyday production process. It uses the newspaper’s existing methods for print production. So there is minimal effort yet publishers have complete control over the look and feel, which is important for branding purposes. And unlike other e-media programs it is not design-program centric, which is extremely time consuming and costly,” said Izzet Edige.

Eversify service will be available to publishers by mid-2012 in Europe followed later by North America and the rest of the world.

About New ProImage

New ProImage says: “First established in 1995, New ProImage America, Inc. is a leading developer of browser-based content management, digital workflow, ink optimization, color image processing and production tracking solutions for the commercial and newspaper printing and publishing industries. Using a standard Internet browser, ProImage's advanced workflow technologies offer the printing industry flexible and feature-rich end-to-end communications, workflow management, color processing and production tracking solutions. New ProImage Limited is headquartered in Netanya, Israel, twenty miles north of Tel Aviv.  The company manages sales and support from offices in the Americas from Princeton, New Jersey, in Europe from London, UK, and in Asia from Israel.”