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River launches first digital Xmas Guide for Superdrug

This week sees the release of the Christmas Gift Guide campaign for Superdrug produced by content marketing agency River.

The 2012 campaign includes, says River, for the first time both a print and a digital variant of the guide.

Copies of the print guide are distributed throughout the store estate and the new digital variant of the Christmas Gift Guide is emailed to Superdrug ‘beauty card’ holders as well as being downloadable from the superdrug website and via iTunes. The digital variant also features animation and video content which brings the shopping experience to life. All of the products featured are available with a simple click through to the main transactional superdrug website.

Matt Walburn Customer Marketing Director comments, “Producing this digital Christmas Gift Guide with River is about exceeding the competitor offer while being sharply focussed on delivering sales at this crucial time of year. Online transactions are an increasingly important factor in the business and this year we have made it easier for customers to buy within an even more engaging environment.”

Sarah Jane Biggs Editor of Dare for Superdrug and of the Christmas Gift Guide comments, “True to the core brand positioning for superdrug and always with our beloved customer in our hearts, we have created a print and digital guide which we believe is our best ever. We can’t wait to see the sales figures.”