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Scottish weekly encouraged by positive survey response

A Scottish weekly newspaper is regarded as an institution for the people of the West Highlands, according to the findings from a 2011 reader survey.

According to the publishers, a total of 1,369 respondents completed The Oban Times survey in October last year – that’s nine per cent of its current circulation figure and well in excess of the publisher’s 2.5 per cent expectation. The in-depth questionnaire was distributed and promoted within the newspaper and online.

Findings were substantially positive and revealed a loyal and passionate readership. Almost 90 per cent stated they read The Oban Times every week. Readers buy the broadsheet weekly because they enjoy its content and like to know what is happening in the local area. 47 per cent read their Oban Times twice over or more. Over half saw an increase in the quality of photographs in the past few years while a large percentage also thought the newspaper’s design, layout and look had improved. A stream of positive comments thanked and congratulated the newspaper for its contribution to the West Highlands.

The response to advertisements was also positive - 82 per cent agreed that adverts in The Oban Times are useful for sourcing local products and services. As well as looking at the paper’s classified section for bargains every week, 60 per cent of readers visit events and restaurants after seeing them advertised within its pages.

While focussed local news content was well received, readers wanted more lifestyle and hobby features. Readers in rural and island areas expressed desire for more hyper-local content, a view echoed by respondents in Oban. All suggestions are currently being reviewed by the Editor.

Stewart Mackenzie, Editorial Director for The Oban Times, said: “As 2011 marked the 150th anniversary of The Oban Times, it seemed an appropriate time to look to the future and find out what our readers want from their newspaper. Taking all the feedback on board, readers can expect to see further improvements and we will continue to work hard at meeting the demands of our expansive readership.”

He added: “A massive thank you to all those who completed our survey last year.”