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SoE celebrates World Press Freedom Day 2023

The Society of Editors is today joining the United Nations, media organisations and worldwide press freedom organisations in celebrating the 30th anniversary of #WorldPressFreedomDay.

SoE celebrates World Press Freedom Day 2023
Dawn Alford: "World Press Freedom Day exists as a reminder of the necessity of a free press in all healthy democracies.”

The Society of Editors says today marks 30 years since the UN General Assembly proclaimed an international day for press freedom. Held on 3 May each year, World Press Freedom Day celebrates the importance of press freedom and freedom of expression and acts as a reminder to governments of the need to respect their commitment to a free press. This year’s theme is ‘Shaping a Future of Rights: Freedom of expression as a driver for all other human rights’.

Marking today's event, Dawn Alford, executive director of the Society of Editors said: "World Press Freedom Day exists as a reminder of the necessity of a free press in all healthy democracies. 30 years since the declaration of an international day for press freedom, journalists worldwide continue to face threats, harassment and abuse for simply carrying out their important roles. Now, more than ever, governments worldwide must look to uphold and strengthen their commitment to this vital human right."

To mark #WorldPressFreedomDay, the Society says it has compiled some of the most memorable front pages and articles from the past 18 months as a reminder of the power of a free press to hold power to account on behalf of the public, all of which can be viewed on their Twitter and LinkedIn pages as well as their website. To find out more about #WorldPressFreedomDay and the important work being undertaken to ensure freedom of expression for all, click here and follow the hashtag on Twitter.

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