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SoE welcomes Lord Lester’s libel reform bill

The Society of Editors has welcomed Lord Lester’s Private Members’ Defamation Bill.

The Society of Editors says: “It addresses the key issues that require reform to bring the law of libel into the 21st century.

With all three parties agreeing that reform is needed it would make sense and would be a good demonstration of ‘new politics’ if this could be dealt with speedily by supporting the bill.

As ever the devil will be in the detail of any reform and in the meantime, Lord Lester’s bill does not deal with the most urgent need for change – the reform of success fees in conditional fee arrangements that are stifling academic and scientific debate and seriously hindering serious journalism in the public interest. This issue is not mentioned by Lord Lester because it can be dealt with very simply elsewhere and we urge the government to act now.”