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Specialist Media Insights 2012 Research

The third annual Specialist Media Insights survey commenced this week and early results show a tipping point being reached for digital publishing.

The Specialist Media Insights research is run by the Specialist Media Show in partnership with InPublishing. According the Carolyn Morgan (pictured), initial stats from the first week of the research indicate that publishers are rapidly adopting digital media, and are becoming more confident in charging a reasonable rate for online subs and mobile editions.

40% are either charging for online content now, or plan to in the next year, with a further 16% planning to charge in the next 2 years. Over half are charging over £100 for an annual online subscription.

60% have mobile apps now, a big increase on last year’s 22%. A further 15% expect to launch in the next year. Interestingly, just over 40% charge the same for their mobile publication as their print edition, resisting the pressure to discount.

While most current mobile apps are replicas, practically no publishers are planning replicas; instead they are now moving on to enhanced editions with links, videos and web feeds.

As yet only a tiny minority are publishing on Kindle, but 45% plan to get on to e-readers.

So it looks like digital media has this year reached a tipping point, for niche publishers as much as the larger media organisations.

The online survey is live for another two weeks, and all who take part will receive a free copy of the final results, covering digital publications and pricing, social media, online events and future plans: a valuable measure of how publishers are expanding onto digital channels.

You can take part in the research by completing the online survey.

Specialist Media Insights 2012 is supported by InPublishing Magazine and the Specialist Media Show, and sponsored by Brad Insight.

Jim Bilton will present highlights of the research at the Specialist Media Show on 24 May 2012 at ThinkTank Birmingham and will also be writing an article on the research for the July/August issue of InPublishing.

All responses are confidential and held by Demographix , who power the survey, according to MRS guidelines. If you provide your email address you will receive a copy of the summary results. This information is held by Demographix and is not connected to your answers.