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Stephen Abell steps down as Director of PCC

Stephen Abell, the Director of the Press Complaints Commission since the beginning of 2010, has announced that he will be leaving the PCC at the end of February.

Stephen (pictured) is leaving to become a partner at Pagefield communications consultancy, where he will take responsibility for media relations and crisis communication.

Lord Hunt, Chair of the PCC, said: "When I joined the PCC last year, Stephen and I agreed that we would work together until we were in a position to propose a new structure for self-regulation of the press. I have valued his assistance in this, and his professionalism in leading the PCC's staff as they continued their important work during a difficult period. It is testament to him that the service to complainants, both those in the public eye and those without claim to celebrity, has improved and expanded over the last few years. I wish him success in all his future endeavours".

The PCC has appointed Michael McManus, who has wide experience in the worlds of journalism and politics, as Director of Transition. He will continue the work on ongoing proposals for reformed, independent self-regulation of the press. He will be part of a new senior team at the PCC, including Director of Communications Jonathan Collett and Charlotte Dewar, who has been promoted to Head of Complaints and Pre-Publication Services. The PCC is also acting to strengthen its Complaints and Pre-Publication Services further by recruiting another senior member of staff to ensure the smooth and full continuous provision of a top-class service during the period of transition and beyond.

Stephen Abell said: "It has been a great privilege to work over the years with the committed, wonderful staff and board members of the PCC. I have been involved with the PCC for more than a decade, and I decided last year that it was time for a new challenge. First, I wanted to work with David Hunt in the development of positive proposals for a new structure of self-regulation. I believe we have now done that. I also wanted to give a full account of the work of the PCC to Lord Justice Leveson.

I remain a firm supporter of enhanced self-regulation for the press, maintaining all that is good about the work of the PCC, and am confident that this will be achieved as a result of the Leveson Inquiry.

My greatest professional satisfaction at the PCC has been in our establishment of a bespoke, 24-hour service to help complainants obtain redress, stop harassment and prevent the publication of inaccurate or intrusive material. Whatever changes are made to the regulatory landscape, this free, public service should continue to the benefit of those in need of it.

I leave a great team of people, who have much to offer in the changing world ahead."

Michael McManus said: "I am delighted to be joining the PCC at this crucial juncture in its existence. All my work in journalism and politics has convinced me that self-regulation of the press can and must be made to work. I relish the challenge of playing such a senior role in the urgent and crucially important task of creating a new, independent press regulator with real teeth."