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New Player Lets Readers Submit Video To Magazines

A new video player that lets magazine, newspaper publishers and exhibitions receive video content directly from readers, advertisers, exhibitors and delegates has been launched on Videobuilder.

The feature makes it easy and quick for publishers and organisers to run sponsored video competitions and citizen journalism without costly IT development, says Videobuilder.

(Screengrab shows Archant Specialist's Sport Diver with Submit A Video activated.)

The optional “Submit a Video” button can be added to the new player at the click of a mouse, and once activated, readers and exhibitors can submit video instantly. Received video is first filtered via a moderation area within Videobuilder, allowing publishers and organisers to preview it in their accounts before approving it for broadcast. Submitter’s data is collected during the submission process.

Publishers and organisers can also add the new player to Facebook as well as their own websites, and viewers can also use their own Facebook accounts to comment on and “Like” any video content submitted. LinkedIn and Twitter plugins have also been integrated to help publishers and organisers drive traffic back to their sites through other social networks.

“Publisher and exhibition organiser’s use of user-generated content is growing fast; recent figures released by Johnston Press suggest that journalists and readers will be producing roughly equal volumes of content within nine years”, said Andrew Petherick, Business Development Director at Videobuilder.

“Videobuilder’s about making it easy and quick for publishers and organisers to do amazing things with other people’s video aswell as their own, and these new features will help them take advantage of, and create revenue from, their readers and exhibitors’ enthusiasm for creating and sharing video content”, he continued.

The new player has also been developed in HTML5 to ensure functionality on iPads and iPhones.

About Videobuilder

Videobuilder says: “The Videobuilder platform is a practical and easy-to-use service designed specifically to help publishers drive traffic and create revenue from video. Over 200 newspapers and magazines now use it, including ones published by Anthem, Ironfish (Canada), Tindle Newspapers, Warners Group Publications, Diversified Business Communications, EMAP, UBM, IPC Media, Centaur Media and Bauer Media.”