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44 million Brits read news brands every month

Eight out of 10 people (aged 15+) in Great Britain consume national news brand content every month, according to the latest PAMCo data— more than Instagram (69%, 38 million) or TikTok (49%, 27 million).

44 million Brits read news brands every month
Jo Allan: “As the latest data demonstrates, news brands enjoy extensive reach with a highly diverse audience.”

Newsworks says, according to the latest data, 39 million consume digital news brand formats each month, while 19 million choose to pick up a printed edition of their chosen news brands in that period.

Meanwhile, 24 million access news brand content every day, with 19 million doing so online — up 7% year-on-year.

The latest PAMCo data also shines a light on news brands’ diverse readership, added Newsworks. Men and women are equally as likely to be a news brand reader, while 85% (11 million) of 35–49s and 87% (11 million) of 50–64s consume news brand content on a monthly basis.

Young people access news brands more than you may think, Newsworks continued. 75% (11 million) of 18–34s look to news brands each month for content — more than those that use TikTok (67%, 10 million) or Snapchat (46%, 7 million).

News brands reach into every community, with every region across the country counting a monthly readership of at least 78%. The data also shows high engagement among minority groups: 79% (7 million) of people with disabilities, 78% (6 million) of those from an ethnic minority background and 81% (2 million) of those identifying as LGBT+ access news brands every month.

More broadly, news brands see an 84% monthly readership among ABC1s (27 million) and 77% among C2DEs (17 million).

Commenting on the latest data, Newsworks CEO Jo Allan says: “As the latest data demonstrates, news brands enjoy extensive reach with a highly diverse audience.

“They continue to play an important role for advertisers targeting consumers in trusted, engaging environments.”

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