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Sun and Sunday Times cover prices to increase

News International has announced that the cover prices of the weekday Sun and The Sunday Times are to increase in July.

The weekday Sun rises to 40p nationwide on Monday 2 July. The retail margin will be 23.2%, meaning retailers receive an extra 2.32p per copy.

On Sunday 8 July the cover price of The Sunday Times goes up to £2.50 nationwide. The retail margin will be 21%, meaning retailers receive an extra 0.8p per copy.

These price changes will enable News International, publisher of The Sun and The Sunday Times, to continue investing in quality journalism and promotional offers for its readers, says the company.

Katie Vanneck-Smith, Chief Marketing Officer, News International, said: "We are committed to ensuring the longevity of our titles and these price rises reflect the quality of our newspapers. Both The Sun and The Sunday Times lead the way with campaigning and investigative journalism as well as great-value reader offers."