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Telegraph launches multiplatform campaign for Lexus

Telegraph Media Group (TMG) has launched a multiplatform campaign in partnership with Lexus, brokered by Newcast, to promote the launch of the new GS model and brand proposition ‘Creating Amazing’.

The campaign launched on Saturday 2nd June with a media first: a content-led, gatefold on the front cover of The Telegraph Magazine.

The ‘Lexus is Creating Amazing’ campaign will run across all Telegraph platforms – including an interactive iPad campaign – with  printed pages being brought to augmented life by the largest scale, fully interactive Blippar platform in any paid for newspaper to date, claims the Telegraph.

The campaign is focused on 15 talented people across the UK who are ‘Creating The Amazing’, aligning Lexus with innovation and creativity. Content will be based around the ‘Telegraph Amazing 15’ featured on the launch front cover gatefold, who have been selected by The Telegraph for their creative talent in the following five sectors: Technology, Design, Sport, Food & Drink and Arts & Culture. The 'Telegraph Amazing 15' will be profiled across all platforms with the Telegraph audience invited to vote on who they find the most inspirational.

After the initial launch, the campaign continues with a series of advertorial features in paper and videos online, focussing on each of the five sectors and profiling three 'talents' within each specific sector. The Lexus product message will run alongside, drawing parallels between features of the Lexus GS and the relevant field, such as the widescreen multimedia display. There will also be comment from household names in each field such as James Dyson.

Matt Cory, Director of Telegraph Create said: “The brand focus and strap-line 'Creating Amazing' lends itself perfectly to this engaging content solution that we have designed for Lexus. The multiplatform and innovative campaign has allowed us to draw parallels between some of the most exciting creative talent in the UK and a brand that is literally 'creating amazing', challenging people's perceptions of Lexus.” 

Paul Marshall, General Manager, Lexus Marketing and Strategy, said “We're delighted to be working with the Telegraph to promote UK talent with such an innovative campaign, that truly reflects the technology employed in our cars and the background behind our Creating Amazing campaign.”