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UBM announces partnership with Give More campaign

This week, at its Business4Better event at Olympia, UBM plc has announced its support for Give More, a UK-wide, independent campaign which encourages everyone in the UK to give more to charities and good causes at a time when our communities are struggling.

The campaign was launched by the chair of the Pears Foundation, Trevor Pears CMG, and is due to finish at the end of this year.

The Give More team will visit UBM’s London headquarters later this month to speak to employees and encourage them to make a pledge to give more time or energy to charities or causes important to them. Give More will also be talking to engagement partners, corporate representatives, other NGOs as well as the public at UBM’s Business4Better event, as well as running an information session.

The Give More campaign has already proven a huge success, with over 21,000 pledges already made.

The partnership with Give More reflects the objectives of UBM in providing an environment that encourages its employees to give back to charities and the community, says the company.

David Levin (pictured), UBM’s CEO said: “We are proud to support Give More as part of our commitment to encourage and help our employees give more to causes they love. We offer UBM employees the ability to take days off to volunteer, we match funds raised and also match contributions made by UBM staff via our payroll giving scheme. We believe Give More will serve as an excellent reminder to our employees and will also be popular with attendees at our Business4Better event, and will raise the profile of some fantastic causes."

Tamar Ghosh, Give More Campaign Director, added: "We are so proud of the huge number of people who have found Give More resonates with them, and who have successfully engaged with the campaign to date. There's been such a great response from people who genuinely want to give something back to society in general, and to their communities in particular, be it in terms of time, money or energy.”

"We are extremely excited about working with UBM and about being a part of Business4Better and hopefully we can meet even more people for whom the campaign strikes a chord, who will add their voice to the growing number of valuable pledges and inspire many others to join the movement too."