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Urban Academy students get behind the camera

Incisive Media welcomed six students from the Kids Company Urban Academy to its hi-tech studios in the heart of Soho last week.

The students are studying on the video and animation course at the Kids Company Urban Academy and were invited to the Incisive Studios as part of Incisive Media's support for Kids Company.

They heard about online marketing from Jeremy Simmons, head of marketing for online programmes, and about the importance of good quality content from James Murray, editor of Business Green, before getting to grips with some filming. They were taken through the challenges of location filming using portable equipment by Paul Rowlingson, multi-media development manager (pictured left), and David Worsfold, group editorial services director, and had a chance to set up some short interviews themselves.

It was then into the state-of-the art studios to watch a webinar being made by Margie Lyndsay, editor of Hedge Funds Review. Margie stayed on to interview the group's tutor and one of the students while the other students took charge in the control room, running the cameras, the sound and the mixing board.

"It was a hugely successful afternoon and fantastic to see these young people so excited about working with our studio team and the equipment we have here", said Mr Worsfold, who also chairs the Incisive Media Foundation which chose Kids Company as its UK charity. "We hope that it will be the first of several workships during the rest of 2012".

About the Incisive Media Foundation

Incisive Media says: “The Foundation was set-up in June 2010 to help leverage the huge potential for Incisive Media and its market-leading brands to generate funds for charity. It adopted the core theme of education and literacy for its work and partnered with two charities from the beginning of 2011, Kids Company in the UK, and EdUKaid, which works in southern Tanzania.”