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Video Exec service added to Videobuilder

A new “Video Exec” service has been added to Videobuilder, giving under-resourced publishers access to an experienced video content manager for two hours per week.

Publishers taking up the service can specify how they want their video content managed and the type of content they want curated into their Videobuilder players. Dedicated Video Execs will then help publishers by sourcing new video content, adding it to players and removing under-performing content. They will also suggest high-traffic video for a magazine’s homepage and deliver a detailed analytics report every week to show the results of their efforts.

“Some magazines are in a real Catch 22. They understand how powerful video is in driving traffic and revenue. They also understand that if they don’t keep their video, like their editorial, up-to-date and interesting, returning site visitors will simply go elsewhere”, said Andrew Petherick, Business Development Director at Videobuilder.

“Through the Video Exec service, we can provide busy publishers with a low-cost, no risk and efficient way of helping them keep the video content on their sites vibrant, entertaining and high performing, while they focus on sales, revenue and doing their day jobs”, he continued.

The Video Exec service is an optional extra on all Videobuilder packages and costs £100 per month per magazine.

About Videobuilder

Videobuilder says: “Videobuilder is a practical and easy-to-use service designed specifically to help publishers drive traffic and create revenue from video.  The service is used by 230 magazines and newspapers in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Poland and the Middle East. Videobuilder is proud to be members of FIPP and the PPA.”