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Industry regulation

House of Lords recommends advertising restrictions

House of Lords recommends advertising restrictions

The House of Lords has recommended restrictions on "advertising for high carbon and environmentally-damaging products."


Net-zero – time for action

Net-zero – time for action

As an industry, we urgently need to do more to reduce our environmental impact.

By James Evelegh  |  13/10/2022

IPSO: Sir Bill Jeffrey carrying out external review

IPSO: Sir Bill Jeffrey carrying out external review

Announced in September, the former senior civil servant Sir Bill Jeffrey is conducting the second External Review of the independence and effectiveness of the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO).


NMA welcomes new guidance

NMA welcomes new guidance

The News Media Association has welcomed new guidance to reporting restrictions in the courts.


National World believes BBC must reduce online news market share

National World believes BBC must reduce online news market share

A major regional media publisher has said the BBC must substantially curtail its local news websites otherwise more community titles will go out of business.


NMA calls on Truss to introduce DMU legislation ‘as soon as possible’

NMA calls on Truss to introduce DMU legislation ‘as soon as possible’

The News Media Association has called on the new Prime Minister to introduce the legislation equipping the Digital Markets Unit with the statutory powers it needs to level the playing field for publishers and platforms “as soon as possible.”


NMA raises concerns over FOI Clearing House reassignment

NMA raises concerns over FOI Clearing House reassignment

The NMA last week raised concerns over The Cabinet Office’s decision to reassign FOI Clearing House as an advisory body and warns changes could impede access to public interest information.


Royal Parks news permits to be reissued

Royal Parks news permits to be reissued

News permits required for news photography in the Royal Parks are to be reissued after a joint letter coordinated by the News Media Association expressing alarm over restrictions to photography at the back of Downing Street.


The Summer of Discontent

The Summer of Discontent

It’s not just rail workers that are on strike; journalists are too!

By James Evelegh  |  25/08/2022

NMA expresses concerns over copyright exemption plans

NMA expresses concerns over copyright exemption plans

Concern is mounting over plans to introduce a new far reaching copyright exception which content creators fear will have a “severe negative impact” on UK rights holders such as news media publishers.


Broadcasting sentencing remarks a “monumental moment” says SoE

Broadcasting sentencing remarks a “monumental moment” says SoE

Crown Court sentencing remarks were broadcast for the first time last week in what the Society of Editors has described as a “monumental moment” for open justice and the public’s right to know.


Press Freedom 2022: the good & the bad

Press Freedom 2022: the good & the bad

The last few months have seen some significant victories for advocates of press freedom in the UK but also continuing grave concern over the misuse of the justice system to suppress reporting.

By Jon Slattery  |  02/08/2022

Sunak pledges to progress DMU legislation

Sunak pledges to progress DMU legislation

Rishi Sunak has pledged to take forward in the autumn the vital legislation to give the Digital Markets Unit the teeth it needs to level the playing field between news publishers and the tech platforms.


SoE welcomes government action

SoE welcomes government action

The Society of Editors has welcomed an announcement by the government of a package of measures aimed at tackling Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs).


SoE sends message to Mayor of Bristol

SoE sends message to Mayor of Bristol

Local democracy reporters have “significantly strengthened local news coverage in the UK” and should be allowed to attend mayoral briefings in Bristol, the Society of Editors has told the Mayor of Bristol.


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