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ABC – evolving to meet industry needs

Monday saw a major reorganisation and rebranding of the ABC. Richard Foan explains the thinking behind the changes.

By Richard Foan

Our vision at ABC is to inspire market confidence by delivering a stamp of trust across the media world. Over the years, we have worked hard to listen to our industry to develop the credible, transparent standards and deliver top-class audit and compliance services that bring this vision to life. As the media industry evolves, with an increasing emphasis on cross-platform reporting and new developments in delivering digital media, it is important that we, as an organisation, also evolve to reflect these changes. Our recent announcement that ABC and ABCe has united under one brand follows 12 months of developments that have seen us align ourselves to the changing shape of the industry. This move will ensure we continue focus on our members’ needs, while delivering the stamp of trust that the industry relies on for efficient trading.

Showcasing cross platform performance

Print remains the bedrock of ABC but over the last few years, digital activity has grown rapidly and now accounts for 30 per cent of ABC’s revenue. With the arrival of tablet technology and new ways of delivering content, this is predicted to continue to grow significantly. Our members tell us that they are looking at new ways of delivering content and are requesting integrated reporting options to reflect the growing multi-channel nature of their media brands. Our multiplatform reports are already well established; this February for example more than 900 regional newspapers reported their circulation figures alongside the website data for 56 newspaper brands from 7 newspaper groups. Regional newspaper groups are connecting with their readers across both print and digital platforms and this report allows publishers to demonstrate the range of channels they use to reach their audiences both on and off line, all to industry standards. Responding to the increasing popularity of digital editions, we have launched a new Cross Platform Report, which allows publishers to showcase digital edition figures alongside print figures. 54 consumer magazine titles have signed up to report in this way, illustrating the desire within the industry to account for the digital performance of media brands.

Alongside offering more cross platform reporting options, we have brought together expertise from around the business to provide a fully integrated service to our members. Our customers will have one point of contact at ABC who will look after their multi-channel needs. This new way of working with our clients is far more reflective of the way they are now doing business and will ensure all our members benefit from our expertise and range of services.

Delivering a stamp of trust

Monday’s announcement followed 12 months of developments which have seen us listen to our industry and align ABC to its needs. In 2010, our Board was streamlined to comprise 16 senior leaders including 25 per cent of members representing the interests of the digital industry. Bringing ABC and ABCe together is the next step, a natural progression in the evolution of ABC. The developments don’t stop here; the media industry is constantly changing and ABC will continue to evolve alongside it. We have a dedicated focus on innovation which will harness our insights and ensure our services constantly evolve as media platforms and members’ needs change. ABC is providing a stamp of trust for reporting reach, engagement and loyalty that our industry relies on for efficient trading. Uniting our expertise and a dedicated focus on clients’ needs will strengthen our position within the industry. This will benefit all our members, now and in the future.