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ABC introduces new rules for regionals

The ABC has introduced new initiatives to introduce more flexible circulation reporting and cost savings for the Regional Publications market.

The ABC says: Until now ABC has had a ‘one size fits all’ approach to reporting requirements, with all Regional Publications reporting on a six monthly basis. Now, for the first time, publishers are able to choose the reporting frequency that suits their individual brands and the requirements of their advertisers.

Monthly reporting

For publishers who wish to report monthly, we have introduced the option of supporting monthly ABC figures with a quarterly audit. Therefore a lower investment is needed to deliver monthly figures, allowing brands to compete effectively for advertising with more timely figures much valued by media buyers. In this report we have 15 daily Regional Publications now delivering figures on a monthly basis.

Annual reporting

For other brands, especially for smaller regional titles, it may be more appropriate for the publisher’s business model to report less frequently; so we have introduced the option to report (and audit) ABC figures on an annual basis. Annual Reporting has proven very popular: Of the 754 Regional Publications in membership 65% are now reporting annually and 35% are reporting six monthly. Broadly the split is weekly titles - annual, daily titles - six monthly.

We believe these new options will help Regional Publishers to continue to deliver high quality ABC circulation figures that are essential to maintain confidence that the regional press is an important advertising medium. These new options will encourage any publishers not delivering the ABC ‘stamp of trust’ to reconsider the value that ABC can add to their businesses.

Fiona Hodges, Head of Regional Activation, MEC, comments: "I support the package of changes that ABC has introduced for the regional sector which provide regional publishers greater flexibility to report their figures, whilst continuing to deliver the ABC stamp of trust to buyers. As a key purchaser in the regional sector, I am keen to provide my clients with the most up to date ABC data. For all publications I expect to see an ABC certificate before placing advertising.”

Jan Pitt, Group Executive Director Client Services, ABC, comments: “ABC is committed to providing a service that is relevant and affordable for all its members. These changes have made a big difference to the Regional Publications sector, allowing them to continue to provide reliable and trusted circulation data.”

About ABC

ABC says: “ABC is governed by the media industry, for the media industry and is the expert at setting data and process standards across multiple platforms. ABC provides a stamp of trust for media buyers, media owners, publishers and digital traders working in existing and emerging platforms.

The ABC Board consists of media owners, media agencies, advertisers and trade body members – with 25 per cent of the Board representing the digital sector. The Board make strategic decisions as to how ABC is run and each industry sector is represented by a Reporting Standards Group.

ABC was established in the UK in 1931 and is a founder member of the International Federation of ABCs (IFABC), of which ABC CEO Jerry Wright is President. ABC’s digital arm was established in 1996 and was united with ABC under one brand with a new identity and integrated structure in March 2011. ABC works to deliver common international standards for measuring digital reach, engagement and loyalty, as well as creating common standards for good practice throughout the industry.”