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AI Revolution in News Gathering

Artificial intelligence is revolutionising the news gathering process, leading to faster and more accurate journalism. MyType's Giulia Gasverde explains how.

By Giulia Gasverde

AI Revolution in News Gathering

In the last year, more than ever, digital journalism finds itself at the crossroads between tradition and innovation, facing challenges that test its very identity.

The proliferation of fake news, insidious and pervasive, along with clickbait that prioritises sensationalism at the expense of accuracy, hinder ethical and quality journalism every day, which needs new tools to emerge from non-journalistic information.

The relentless flow of information requires a quicker and more effective selection and analysis capacity, a challenge that seems to surpass traditional human capabilities every day.

This is where artificial intelligence (AI) comes into play, offering professionals revolutionary tools to radically transform the news gathering process, opening new frontiers for journalism.

The promise of AI is not only to speed up processes but also to reintegrate those levels of depth and quality into journalism that seem increasingly difficult to achieve in the digital age.

In a world where gigabytes of data are generated every second, the amount of information available is overwhelming. Social media, blogs, news sites generate a continuous flow that, on one hand, represents an invaluable resource, but on the other, constitutes a labyrinth where the truth risks getting lost. In this sea of information, the ability to discern valuable news from the myriad of irrelevant or misleading information becomes a crucial skill for the modern journalist.

Artificial intelligence, with its advanced data processing and analysis capabilities, emerges as an indispensable compass to navigate this informational storm. Thanks to AI, it is possible to analyse millions of sources in real time, identifying trends, patterns, and correlations that would remain invisible to the human eye.

The use of AI in journalism is not limited to mere data collection: it promises to reinvent the very way news is selected, verified, and presented to the public, inaugurating a new era of information.

But how can AI concretely assist journalists in this delicate phase of the “news supply chain”?

  • Fact-Checking and AI: In an era characterised by the rapid spread of false news, artificial intelligence represents a valuable resource for fact-checking. Increasingly sophisticated machine learning algorithms and natural language processing enable the analysis of vast datasets to identify discrepancies, anomalies, and potential signs of inauthentic news. These systems can, for example, compare collected information with databases of verified facts, assess the credibility of sources, and even analyse images to reveal manipulations.
  • AI-Enhanced News Wires: Press agencies and traditional media often find themselves competing with the speed and variety of news generated on social media. Here, AI offers an innovative solution, allowing for the monitoring and analysis of a wide range of informative sources in real time. Through the use of advanced algorithms, it is possible to filter relevant news, identify breaking news almost instantaneously, and distribute it with unprecedented speed. This capability translates into more timely, accurate, and balanced news coverage, essential in an era where information travels at the speed of light and across multiple channels simultaneously.
  • AI Translators: Overcoming language barriers is another area where AI is making significant contributions. Increasingly accurate automatic translators like DeepL enable journalists to access content in foreign languages with a level of understanding that was unthinkable until recently, thus enriching the breadth and depth of the news collected.
  • AI Transcription: Similarly, automatic transcription tools transform audio and video interviews into written text with efficiency and precision, freeing up valuable resources for further analysis and exploration. These technological advancements not only broaden the informational horizon but also promote a more accurate and inclusive interpretation of global events.

The AI revolution in journalism is not without challenges: it is a valuable tool that must be guided by responsible professionals now offered the opportunity to increase the accuracy of their work, the speed of news gathering and dissemination, and a broader international openness.

By facing the challenges of the digital age with innovation and confidence, AI can contribute to forging a future where journalism not only survives but thrives, enriching society with quality, verified, and accessible information.

As we venture into these new technological frontiers, it is crucial that journalists, developers, and society work together to ensure that AI is employed ethically and constructively, laying the foundation for a journalism that meets future challenges with integrity and innovation.

Essentials include continuous updates on AI topics, comparison, and adoption within one’s editorial team of up-to-date software, to be the protagonists of a revolution that can no longer wait.

About us

MyType is a new brand of Atex dedicated entirely to digital media. The first product presented by MyType is an innovative AI-driven CMS. Within the CMS, a series of features are integrated to assist editorial staff throughout the different stages of news production.

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