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Ashley Highfield appointed NMA Chairman

Johnston Press chief executive Ashley Highfield has been announced as the new chairman of the News Media Association, following a meeting of the NMA Board this week.

News UK chief operating officer David Dinsmore was elected NMA vice chairman.

The NMA was formed a year ago by the merger of the Newspaper Society, the voice of local media, and the NPA which represented national publishers. The Board comprises six national members and six local members.

Ashley Highfield, previously vice chairman of the NMA, said: “The NMA gives local, regional and national news media publishers a united voice on the many issues that affect our industry. I am delighted to be appointed chairman and look forward to continuing to make the case for a strong and vibrant news media industry.”

“The freedom of the press remains under attack on multiple fronts but, through the NMA, we are committed to fighting for openness, transparency and the public right to know.”

David Dinsmore added: "Never has there been greater need to show passion for newspapers and I look forward to helping my colleagues on the NMA champion their cause."

The NMA Board consists of:

* Chairman, Ashley Highfield, Johnston Press

* Vice chairman, David Dinsmore, News UK

* David Pemsel, Guardian Media Group

* Jeremy Spooner, Baylis Media

* Kevin Beatty, DMG Media

* Lisa Gordon, Local World

* Simon Fox, Trinity Mirror

* Jeff Henry, Archant

* Murdoch MacLennan, Telegraph Media Group

* Henry Faure Walker, Newsquest Media Group

* Robin Burgess, CN Group

* Steve Auckland, ESI Media

The NMA treasurer is Paul Hunter of Newsquest Media Group.