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Awards to celebrate best regional newspapers

The best of British regional newspaper journalism will be celebrated at an Oscars-style lunchtime awards ceremony in London in May, the Society of Editors and the Newspaper Society announced yesterday.

The Society of Editors Regional Press Awards, in association with UK Power Networks and supported by Asda, HoldTheFrontPage and the Press Association, will judge the work of regional newspapers during 2011.

The Society of Editors, which has been supported by Camelot since 2001, organises the awards in conjunction with the Newspaper Society on behalf of the industry.

Newspaper Society members have undertaken to participate in and support the awards and to avoid taking part in any competing UK-wide events.

Entries will open on February 13 and close on March 7. Shortlists will be published on April 17. The awards ceremony followed by a celebratory lunch will take place at Savoy Place, London on Friday 25 May. The Newspaper Society’s AGM will take place at the same venue on the same date.

Full details of the awards will be available early in February at which will carry details of categories and offer guidance on how to register and enter the awards.

Paul Horrocks, SoE president in 2007, will replace Peter Sands as chairman of the judges. Paul was editor of the Manchester Evening News for twelve years and is now director of independent media and communications consultancy, Essential Communications and Media.

Peter, who has been chairman of the judges since 2006, has decided to step down after taking a non-executive director's position with Northcliffe Media.

He said: "It has been a great privilege to sit in the middle of the industry and see the first class journalism that is out there. It has also been hard work but great fun."

Revenue generated by entry fees, table sales and sponsorship will pay for the not-for-profit awards programme. Costs to entrants have been frozen at last year’s level or reduced. The awards also help to support the Journalists’ Charity.

Society of Editors executive director Bob Satchwell said: “We are again pleased to help celebrate the brilliant journalism in local and regional newspaper which provides a terrific service to communities across the UK against a difficult economic background and continued pressure of dramatic change in the wider media industry.”

Geraldine Allinson, president of the Newspaper Society and chairman of Kent Messenger Group, said: “No other media can replicate the regional and local press. Our newspapers scrutinise those in authority, support local businesses and campaign on behalf of our readers. I am delighted we will have the opportunity through these awards to recognise and applaud the editorial excellence which is at the heart of our industry.”

HoldTheFrontPage publisher Paul Linford said: “We were pleased to help out with last year’s successful revival of the awards by the Society of Editors and we are proud to continue to be associated with this great event.”