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Blottr content now available through NewsPoint

NewsPoint - the content syndication network from Blottr, the UK’s leading citizen journalism news website - launched for publishers on October 10 2012.

NewsPoint provides global news content to publishers and news organisations around the world, captured and reported in real-time by those witnessing the event at the scene. Content is generated through the Blottr contributor network and authenticated by a combination of sophisticated verification algorithms and professional human moderation, says the company.

Since August 2010, Blottr has developed one of the world's largest contributor networks that has seen the news service break major global news before anyone else, including the death of Col. Gaddafi, the UK riots, Occupy movement and Mumbai bombings, to name a few.

In addition to its breaking content, Blottr receives hundreds of pieces of footage and reports every day from regions, topics and events otherwise unreported by mainstream media. NewsPoint specialises in providing this breaking and unreported footage to news desks around the world.

The three categories NewsPoint focus on are:

1. The Middle East

2. Global news

3. Breaking news

Customers are able to choose a category/ies and instantly access some of the most raw, compelling and exclusive news content available. As well as continually updated news content, NewsPoint also makes Blottr’s entire back catalogue available for download as part of the monthly subscription fee.

Founder Adam Baker says: “Blottr has been the catalyst of people-powered news for over 2 years, covering events unreported elsewhere and breaking major global news stories before anyone else. It’s helped us grow our monthly readership past 2 million users.

"Our decision to make our content available to other news companies arises from our commitment and vision to highlighting the many unreported events that take place every day and giving this type of raw, gripping journalism the broadest level of exposure we can.”