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British Media Awards – winners announced

Display advertising solutions company InSkin Media was awarded one of the night's major blue riband prizes, Overall Media Innovation of the Year.

The company, which provides intelligent display and video advertising using its own formats, also walked away with Commercial Team of the Year and Digital Media Innovator of the Year. The judges said InSkin represents "a phenomenal innovation. The team works for the benefits of the publisher as well as being effective to brands."

The Economist was awarded the Media Company of the Year prize for being "a global leader in publishing and a trendsetter among brands with a foot still in the print world but looking with confidence into a digital future. Its core product has remained unchanged for 150 years yet it can still extract revenue from new platforms and devices as readers around the world latch on to its intelligent reports and commentary." The Economist also won the Online Advertising Innovation award.

Huffington Post UK editor Carla Buzasi was given the night's top individual prize - Media Innovator of the Year - for displaying a m ixture of old-fashioned and modern editing, "incorporating original reporting and comment with a chorus of contributions from the audience in real-time".

Awards judging committee chairman and Briefing Media co-founder Neil thackray said: "These awards represent the best of innovation in British Media. And they illustrate how the industry is changing: the lines between media owner, technology company and agency are becoming blurred and the British Media Awards simply celebrate the best media ideas, brands and products, wherever they come from.

"Thanks to all the entrants and sponsors who made it happen. We'll be back next year bigger and bolder."

List of winners - British Media Awards 2012

Social Media and Marketing Innovation: N-Photo, Future

(Highly commended - Huffington Post UK)

Online Advertising Innovation: The Economist, for its Phillips campaign

Paid Content Innovation: Lloyds List Group, Informa Business Information

Most Innovative Technology for Media Owners: ScribbleLive

Consumer Magazine Innovator of the Year: N-Photo, Future

(Highly commended: The Economist)

B2B Innovator of the year: Estates Gazette, Reed Business Information

Best Use of Mobile: British Journal of Photography, Incisive Media

Commercial Team of the Year: InSkin Media

Digital Media Innovator of the Year: InSkin Media

(Highly commended: Huffington Post UK)

Media Innovator of the Year: Carla Buzasi, Huffington Post UK

Media Company of the Year: The Economist

Overall Media Innovation of the Year: InSkin Media