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Calling for entries to the Print Futures Awards 2013

Cash grants of up to £1,500 each are available to train for a career in printing, publishing and graphic arts.

The sponsors – The Printing Charity, Unite the Union and the British Printing Industries Federation (BPIF) - are calling for entries to the annual Print Futures Awards. The deadline for entries is 31 May 2013.

These annual awards are open to people aged 16-30 years who are resident in the UK and who:

• intend or are already studying for a job and career in printing, publishing or graphic arts in the UK

• are already working in those sectors and would to improve their skills and increase their earning capacity

Winners will be presented with their awards at a special event in London on 23 July.

For more information and an application form, please contact Terry Ulrick, Awards Secretary, on +44 (0)7850 105027, email: or go to where you can also download the application form. Completed application forms need to be returned to Terry Ulrick by the closing date of 31 May 2013.