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Changes in Non Executive Directors at Trinity Mirror

The Board of Trinity Mirror plc have announced that they have appointed Mr Donal Smith as a non executive director with effect from 1st March 2012.

Mr Smith is Chief Executive Officer of Data Explorers a privately owned data and software company. He previously held a number of senior roles within Thomson Reuters including President and COO Thomson Financial, EMEA. Prior to that he was Managing Director of the Financial Times Electronic Publishing Division.

The Nominations Committee oversaw the search assisted by Egon Zender International before making a unanimous recommendation to the Board.

Mr Smith has notified Trinity Mirror that he was an executive director of eCountries Ltd a "dot com" start up that, having failed to raise sufficient funds, entered into a voluntary arrangement with creditors in February 2001. There are no further disclosures to be made pursuant to paragraph 9.6.13R(1)-(6) of the Listing Rules.

The Company further announces that Laura Wade-Gery, a non executive director, has informed the Board that, having served two three year terms as a director and having recently joined the Board of Marks & Spencer plc, she does not wish to seek re-election for a further term and will retire from the Board at the conclusion of the Company's AGM on 10th May 2012.