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DC Thomson Media and BT give newspapers to care homes and hospitals

DC Thomson Media and BT have partnered on a new initiative to help combat loneliness and support the vulnerable in the lead up to Christmas.

DC Thomson Media and BT give newspapers to care homes and hospitals
Residents at Rosendael House enjoying copies of The Courier.

The initiative which will see 25,000 copies of The Courier and The Press & Journal distributed free of charge to care homes and hospitals, started on Wednesday and runs until Christmas Eve.

Lockdown and social distancing has had a devastating impact for residents in care homes and hospitals, so BT, The Courier and The Press & Journal are now doing their bit to try and help combat loneliness for this more vulnerable part of society.

At a time when the role of newspapers to keep people connected with their local communities and the world is more vital than ever, say the publishers, the initiative will also guarantee readers get access to accurate public health information as the new vaccine is rolled out.

Richard Neville, Head of News Brands, said, “At DC Thomson Media we continually strive to provide our communities with quality journalism they can trust, and we're thrilled to partner with BT to make sure we reach readers who perhaps can’t get out to pick up their copy."

Jane Wood, BT Group Scotland Director, said: “We’re pleased to be able to work with The Courier and The Press and Journal on this brilliant initiative to make sure that people in care homes have access to their local paper in the run up to Christmas. We know local newspapers play a vital role for many people in connecting with their local communities and the world.”

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