WAN-IFRA commented:
“It was inspiring to see so many incredible projects, many of which do not appear on this shortlist, but which also deserve special recognition. Thank you for submitting your initiatives. They are an example of best practices in digital subscriptions, product innovation, data and video. Below you will find the list of finalists sorted alphabetically by company name. Congratulations to all!
“Special thanks to the 21 members of our international jury for the time they dedicated to this competition. You can discover who they are after the list of finalists.”
Project Name: Where the earth will become uninhabitable, FUNKE Zentralredaktion GmbH, Germany
Project Name: The Oslo Shooting: 13 minutes of horror, Verdens Gang (VG), Norway
Project Name: VG’s Energy Crisis Monitor, Verdens Gang (VG), Norway
Project Name: I am your journalist, NWT Media, Sweden
Project Name: How a birthday party in Minecraft made a massive impact on engagement, brand awareness and sales, Schibsted Norge AS, Norway
Project Name: VG Prophet, Verdens Gang (VG), Norway
Project Name: Público has a new homepage, Público, Portugal
Project Name: A sports news site for the TikTok Generation, Relevo, Spain
Project Name: Website and App Relaunch for Rheinische Post, Rheinische Post, Germany
Project Name: Déterminées - at the heart of a women's football team, La Voix du Nord, France
Project Name: #RelevoTalks: Giving a voice to the hidden side of sport success, Relevo, Spain
Project Name: Paint your heroes: original multimedia content to support the rise of women's football, Relevo, Spain
Project Name: GA+ weekly digital subscription model, General-Anzeiger Bonn GmbH, Germany
Project Name: Omni Mer, Omni, Sweden
Project Name: Tempt to laugh - VGTV, VGTV, Norway
Project Name: Dagbladet BOK nyhetsbrev (Dagbladet BOOK newsletter), Dagbladet, Norway
Project Name: Inside Politics, Financial Times, UK
Project Name: Dispatches from Ukraine, The Telegraph, UK
Project Name: Nyhetsshowen, Göteborgs-Posten, Sweden
Project Name: The Indo Daily, Irish Independent, Ireland
Project Name: The Sports Teacher, Ringier Sportal, Romania
Project Name: New NPG e-paper product, NPG Digital, Germany
Project Name: Sundays with Rheinische Post: "Der Sonntag", Rheinische Post, Germany
Project Name: Online investigation tips for journalists, Agence France-Presse, France
Project Name: Press freedom day, Stampen Media, Sweden
Project Name: Transparency portal - How we make VG, Verdens Gang (VG), Norway
WAN-IFRA extended special thanks to the 2023 jury members, who carefully evaluated all the projects with their experience, knowledge and expertise. The jury was as follows:
- Randi Øgrey, CEO Mediebedriftenes Landsforening, Norway
- Mary-Katharine Phillips, associate director of engagement, Dow Jones / The Wall Street Journal, USA
- Pablo Altieri, co-founder-strategic partnerships & alliances - DiagonalMinds, Switzerland
- Catalina Albeanu, digital editor, Romania
- Leonardo Pescante, deputy editor in chief, 24heures, Switzerland
- Julia Bähr, lead coordinator of paid content, Tagesspiegel, Germany
- Jeremy Clifford, digital consultant, UK
- John Crowley, digital editor, trainer and journalist. Director at Headlines Network, UK
- Olivier Deheneffe, deputy editor-in-chief, L'Avenir, Belgium
- Jean-Marie Lagnel, data designer, France
- Aviva Loeb, audience growth specialist, The Washington Post, USA
- Mira Milosevic, executive director, Global Forum for Media Development, UK
- Cyrille Frank, training director, CosaVostra, France
- Carsten Heil, deputy editor in chief Neue Westfälische, Germany
- Christophe Israël, digital development editorial director, Tamedia, Switzerland
- Penny Riordan, director, business strategy and partnerships, Local Media Association USA
- Marie Van de Voorde, Publisher, Les Echos, France
- Maxime Le Hegarat, head of digital video, Le Télégramme, France
- Gregor Waller, principal consultant, WAN-IFRA Consulting, Germany
- Frank Wiedemann, head digital transformation, Somedia, Switzerland
- Marc Zahlmann, managing director, Aschendorff Medien Gmbh & Co. KG, Germany
WAN-IFRA says winners will be announced next week.
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