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DTSG agrees new principles for brand safety

The newly formed Digital Trading Standards Group (DTSG) has agreed a set of trading principles aimed at growing safer online ad placement.

The DTSG includes operators from right across the digital advertising ecosystem; Advertisers, Agencies, Agency Trading Desks (ATD’s), Demand Side Platforms (DSP’s), Ad Exchanges (AdX’s), Supply Side Platforms (SSPs) and Publishers, who are all active within the network space.

The group, which is facilitated by ABC, has been meeting regularly since late 2011, and recently put forward three key principles to JICWEBS, the Joint Industry Committee for Web Standards. These new trading principles effectively signal the evolution of the current IASH code, ensuring that best practice for online trading keeps in step with developments in trading methods.

The new principles cover the relationship between trading partners as follows;

1. Primary Agreements: Which include statements of how the organisation applies best endeavours to minimise risk of misplacement of advertising, including enabling ad take down on effective notice.

2. Exceptions: If required, specific prior agreement for trades outside of 1 (above).

3. Compliance: Agreement to validate best endeavours to comply with 1 and 2.

JICWEBS has formally approved these principles bringing them under the umbrella of existing industry agreed online measurement metrics and best practice principles.  

Nigel Gwilliam, Head of Digital at IPA said, “A proactive approach to creating industry best practice is the right way to secure transparency and trust in the online ad market. We want a straightforward set of principles that cut right across the industry which is why we support the work of the DTSG.”

With best practice principles in place the group are now working to establish bilateral agreements between trading partners and a verification programme to demonstrate compliance with the principles. This work will be rolled out in stages over the coming months.

Since the creation of IASH in 2006 the online advertising ecosystem has evolved and a new Digital Trading Standards Group (DTSG) has been formed to ensure the opportunity to demonstrate best practice is extended to all players operating within the digital trading space. Over the next few months, IASH Members will make the transition from IASH to DTSG compliance. Signatories to the DTSG Principles will be committed to continuing the work of IASH in terms of brand safety and delivering trust in the marketplace.  

About the Digital Trading Standards Group

The ABC says: “The Digital Trading Standards Group is an independent body which aims to bring transparency to online ad trading and safeguard ad placement at an impression level. It is attended by representatives from nine different organisation types involved within the trading and delivery of online advertising as follows: Advertiser, Agency, Demand Side Platform (DSP), Agency Trading Desk (ATD), Ad Network, Ad Exchange,  Sales House, Supply Side Platform (SSP), Publisher. 

ABC has been asked to facilitate the work of the DTSG.”