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Express & Star publishes reader survey results

The Express & Star, Britain’s biggest regional newspaper, has published the results of its Your Say reader survey on local life.

Nearly 11,000 responses were sent in by readers of the Midland News Association title after it launched the biggest independent survey ever carried out in the Black Country and Staffordshire. 

The results, published over five days last week, included readers’ views on local services, towns, transport and safety, before finishing with health and well being.

Readers answered 50 questions, with topics ranging from bin collections through to their concerns about the pension age limit.

Respondents also indicated which local area they lived in, allowing the Express & Star editorial team to compare results between neighbouring councils.

The headline results included:

• 89 per cent said court sentences needed to be tougher;

• 87 per cent said their local town centre was either much worse or somewhat worse than it was 10 years ago, with around half also describing it as struggling;

• 79 per cent did not support the idea of police commissioners;

• 62.7 per cent had never used the M6 Toll motorway;

• 38.3 per cent said their quality of life was much worse or slightly worse than 20 years ago;

• 35.4 per cent said health services were the main concern in their life, above personal finance, job security and crime.

A 22-page printed dossier of the findings was sent out to every MP in the region, together with influential business and council leaders. Shadow work and pensions secretary Liam Byrne also received a copy of the dossier to consider its findings on pensions.

Executive editor Mark Drew said: "The results of the Express & Star’s Your Say survey has given a detailed insight into the views of readers on a host of major issues.

“We had almost 11,000 replies via post, email and the internet when we asked for readers’ thoughts on the region, its services and life in general. 

"The idea was to create a snapshot of the hopes, priorities and concerns of those taking part. 

“We believe we have given readers a valuable way of ensuring they are heard within local democracy.

“The results were reported back to those who are in charge of making the decisions that affect readers’ lives.

“The MPs and local authorities appreciate the unrivalled reach of the Express & Star and have listened to the findings with great interest.”

Express & Star political editor Daniel Wainwright played a leading role, helping put the dossier together before gauging the response.

Every council leader in the region was given a copy of the dossier, including Wolverhampton Council leader Roger Lawrence and Dudley Council’s David Sparks.

The Express & Star survey was launched after MNA sister title the Shropshire Star held a similar exercise in October.

The biggest independent survey ever carried out in Shropshire, with more than 7,500 replies, revealed readers views on all manner of social and local issues.

More than 60 per cent said they had been the victim of some form of crime but the general trend was for satisfaction with life in the region.