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Financial Times launches The State of Britain

The Financial Times has launched The State of Britain, a newsletter about the UK’s search for growth, productivity and its place in a changing world.

Financial Times launches The State of Britain
Peter Foster: “Brexit is never ‘done’, but it’s time to move into the next leg of the UK’s journey outside the EU.”

The ‘The State of Britain’ newsletter is written by the public policy editor Peter Foster.

As the UK heads towards a general election, the newsletter will help readers navigate the twists and turns of Britain’s post-Brexit relationship with the European Union, its largest trading partner, says the FT. It will also explore policy solutions to the UK’s flatlining productivity, including skills, planning reform and devolution as well as post-Brexit regulation, foreign direct investment and trade. The State of Britain replaces the Britain after Brexit newsletter.

Each week, Foster will talk to politicians, policymakers and businesses, and draw on reporting from the FT’s network of journalists, Including northern England correspondent Jennifer Williams, Ireland correspondent Jude Webber and Scotland correspondent Simeon Kerr.

“Brexit is never ‘done’, but it’s time to move into the next leg of the UK’s journey outside the EU,” said Peter Foster. “As we head into what promises to be a seismic election year, this newsletter will take a look under the bonnet of the British State.

“Using the FT’s network of UK correspondents and policy journalists it will analyse the hard choices that will confront any future government seeking to lift the UK out of economic stagnation and political turbulence.”

‘The State of Britain’ is available to premium FT subscribers, and will arrive in inboxes at 5pm UK time every Thursday.

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