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Free press is test of democracy

An important new report, “The Test of Democracy: Key Laws Which Constrain the Commonwealth Media” was published yesterday as a draft consultation document by the Commonwealth Press Union Media Trust (CPU MT).

The report examines the most significant legal concerns in ten Commonwealth countries, including the UK, and makes ten important recommendations for consideration by Governments.

In the on-going struggle for media freedom perhaps the most overlooked but invidious aspects are the harsh and often anachronistic laws that constrain the media, not only in emerging nations but also in long-established democracies. Frequently a legacy from the colonial era when they were devised to silence a subject people, these laws are now increasingly being used by elected governments in an attempt to muzzle a critical and outspoken independent media. There is no doubt, says the CPU, that many of the laws highlighted in this report are out-dated and inappropriate in today’s globalised media world and it is imperative that Governments recognise this and are persuaded to abolish those which force the media to operate in an atmosphere of fear.

In most emerging democracies, freedom of expression is enshrined in the constitution but frequently ignored by Governments when they come under the critical eye of the media. As a free media is a universally accepted cornerstone of democracy then laws which inappropriately curtail it, must be abolished.

Lord Black of Brentwood, chairman of the CPU Media Trust: “These are vital messages for the Commonwealth and beyond that must not forgotten here in the UK. The UK media is admired across the world and overseas governments take a lead from how our government works to maintain a free, diverse and vociferous media that is crucial in a democracy.”

The Commonwealth Press Union Media Trust (CPU MT) was established in 2009 to continue the work of the Commonwealth Press Union (CPU), which closed down the previous year. Taking the CPU’s core work – particularly in the field of media freedom - forward in to the future is an important component of the work of the Trust today.

For further information, please contact Lindsay Ross at