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Guardian appoints joint political editor

Guardian News & Media (GNM) has announced the appointments of Anushka Asthana and Heather Stewart, who will share the role of Guardian political editor.

A highly-accomplished political journalist, Anushka joins from Sky News where she was a senior political correspondent, providing live reaction and analysis to running political stories, covering the 2015 general election on the trail of the Conservative campaign, and interviewing leading politicians from across the spectrum. She was previously chief political correspondent and a columnist at The Times and, before that, policy editor and deputy news editor at The Observer. Anushka worked at the Washington Post after winning the Laurence Stern Fellowship in 2006, and has also authored two major reports for Mumsnet and Ipsos MORI on politics and women.

Heather Stewart has been a leading member of GNM’s economics team since 2001. She is currently The Observer’s economics editor and was, for two years before that, its business editor. A seasoned journalist with a wealth of expertise, Heather has produced everything from instant rolling online news on budget day, to long-form Focus pieces for The Observer. She also regularly contributes leaders and writes a fortnightly economics column for The Observer. Prior to joining GNM, Heather worked at HM Treasury as a researcher.

Katharine Viner, editor-in-chief, Guardian News & Media said: “I am delighted that we have broken the mould by appointing two such accomplished journalists to share the role of Guardian political editor. It is surely one of the best jobs in British journalism and I can't wait to see the impact they have.”

Heather Stewart said: “I can't think of a more exciting job in journalism at this moment. I'm particularly looking forward to working alongside Anushka, whom I admire as a journalist, and like and trust as a friend."

Anushka Asthana said: "2015 was an exciting year in British politics and 2016 is shaping up to be even better - I'm looking forward to getting started and working with Heather and the rest of the Guardian team. This is a fantastic opportunity to show that a job share at this level can work - and I hope it is a step towards more women and more working parents considering political journalism."

Both Anushka and Heather will start their roles in early 2016. They take over from Patrick Wintour, who has worked in the lobby for the Guardian and The Observer for the past 27 years, the last nine of them as political editor of the Guardian. Patrick will become diplomatic editor, reporting to the international desk in London.