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Guardian iPad app wins design award

The Guardian and Observer's iPad app has been named as the 'world's best designed iPad news app' by the Society for News Design.

Hundreds of sites from around the world were nominated by users and were reviewed by a panel of judges. Each winner required a unanimous vote.

The judges said: “The Guardian and Observer’s iPad experience is sublime. Each issue is rich in art direction, ambitious yet disciplined in its layout and features a jaw-dropping use of photography — particularly on a Retina device. The degree of both control and delight packed into each day’s issue is impressive. Navigation is intuitive and the finite nature of a day’s issue makes for a cohesive and offline-friendly snapshot of news. There are smart links to related content, both within the app and back to the Guardian’s Web site. With the smart use of simple tools — grid, color, typography — the app strikes a perfect balance of identity, style, serenity and pacing. The care and attention to detail of each article’s presentation is obvious and awesome for a daily publication.”

Click here for more information.