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Guardian Praises Dedicated Independent Newsagents

The Guardian this week praised NFRN independent newsagents as its exclusive six week voucher promotion with the NFRN got off to a "flying start".

Speaking after thousands more promotional leaflets were ordered by participating members, Kai Muxlow, Guardian Head of Newspaper Sales, said: “We would like to take this opportunity to thank the NFRN and their members for the opportunity to work with them on our current promotion.

“We have been impressed with the how this promotional opportunity was structured, put into reality, communicated and adopted by the NFRN members involved.

“Whilst this promotion has not been without its learnings, we have seen the NFRN leading the way and were impressed with how each of our respective departments were able to work together, particularly with regard to the detail and involvement required to ensure that the three days installation process was completed in time

“We are confident that this ground breaking approach by the NFRN will lead to the successes that we are looking for. It is a pleasure to see the NFRN members really getting behind this promotion and we look forward to working with the Federation on similar initiatives going forward.”

NFRN National News Development Manager Brian Murphy said: “We would like to thank all members for getting behind this promotion. We are confident that it will create the very platform required for newspaper and magazine publishers to work with the NFRN in exciting new ways going forward.”