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Guardian promotion nets windfall for NFRN members

More than 700 NFRN members are set to enjoy a windfall, thanks to the Federation’s groundbreaking voucher promotion with the Guardian.

According to the NFRN: The payout follows the NFRN’s biggest and most exciting news promotion ever in January and February this year. Teaming up with the Guardian and Observer, the NFRN invited selected retailers to boost their sales and profits through a six week voucher promotion, specially designed to drive consumers back through participating members’ doors.

Customers were invited to sign up for three weeks’ worth of half price vouchers which could only be redeemed in NFRN members’ outlets. In return members received enhanced margins and a bonus for every customer who signed up to a further three months subscription.

Kai Muxlow, who is responsible for Content Sales and Marketing at Guardian News and Media, is pictured on the left handing over a cheque for £40,000 to NFRN National President Kieran McDonnell.

Mr McDonnell said: “Joining forces with Guardian News and Media for this innovative and exciting promotion was a notable coup for the NFRN and we are delighted that it has proved to be such a success.”

Mr Muxlow commented: “We are delighted with the response from retailers to our promotion to drive retail subscriptions. The Guardian has generated over 1,000 new subscriptions as a result of this very successful activity. We will be looking to build on this great work with further promotions during 2012.”