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Guardian reports record US traffic

The Guardian has announced that its US traffic exceeded 11.8 million unique visitors in October, and is growing at a year over year rate of nearly 6 percent, pulling ahead of BBC news for the first time since it launched its US site, according to industry analyst ComScore.

The latest figure marks a record for the Guardian's US traffic, which comes just over one year since opening its digital newsroom in the US.

"This is an important milestone for the Guardian," said US editor-in-chief Janine Gibson. "American readers are clearly embracing our open approach to journalism, and our commitment to interactive storytelling. Their voices and engagement have been key ingredients in shaping and driving the content and in our overall success," she added.

October's record-setting traffic was led in part by the Guardian's distinctive live-coverage of the presidential debates, including a partnership with Tumblr for the first ever 'Live-GIFing' of the debates. The Guardian's groundbreaking interactives led the way with innovative election season coverage, and the Guardian continues to add to its growing list of renowned US voices with the recent addition of Heidi N. Moore as Finance and Economics Editor.

Since it adopted a "digital-first" strategy in 2011, say the publishers, the Guardian's online readership has continued to grow rapidly, becoming the world's third most read newspaper website in June 2012.