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Haymarket Business launches first responsive website

Haymarket Business Media has launched its first ever responsive website – Medeconomics.

The site,  which offers advice and information to help GPs and practice managers run their business more effectively, detects the size of the user’s browser and adapts to one of three views - mobile, tablet and desktop.

Built by Haymarket Business Interactive (HBi) – Haymarket Business Media’s in-house web development division, the responsive design means that the layout and presentation of the page and site navigation respond to the device it is displayed on, thus ensuring a good user experience on every platform.

Medeconomics provides practical, accessible advice and information to help GPs and practice managers run their business more effectively. Until recently Medeconomics was part of GP magazine and This separate, standalone site was launched in response to feedback from GPs and practice managers who wanted more information and resources to help them run their practice.

Content is divided into clear sections, covering topics including finance, contracts, premises, practice management, HR and CQC registration. The CCG agenda section also provides insight and analysis on how the new clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) are impacting on the day-to-day running of general practice.

CCGs take over from Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) in April 2013 and will be responsible for commissioning the majority of NHS care across England.

The new and improved Database of GP Fees aims to help ensure practices are claiming funding correctly and making the most of all new earning opportunities. Divided into NHS Funding and Allowances and Private and Professional Fees, the database provides information about the main funding streams available to general practice.

More than 500 GPs and practice managers were surveyed to find the average rates charged for the most commonly used ‘negotiable’ fees to help practices benchmark their rates and earnings in these areas.