The move next month will see the newspaper become one of the biggest weekly publications in the UK and will deliver a bigger, better product for readers and advertisers, says Northcliffe Media.
"The move to weekly for The Herald Express is part of our strategy to respond to the market and improve the long-term performance of the business," explained Northcliffe MD Steve Auckland. "The new improved paper will provide the best possible product for readers in this area while offering a more valuable proposition in terms of advertising revenue."
The Herald Express which was founded in 1925 and currently has a circulation of 20,000 a day, will in the future be published on Thursdays from 21st July with the final daily version of the paper on Friday 15th July. The aim is produce a 100 page plus paper in addition to supplements.
"The Herald Express has a fantastic heritage," added Steve. "We will build on that to give readers in the South Devon area a must read with unrivalled news coverage from the area. The early drafts look great - it really is a meaty product."
The change will consolidate the success of the product, continues Northcliffe, and offer readers a more substantial and quality read while giving the local advertising market real value for money.
"The Herald Express has been one of the country's best-performing daily titles for many years in terms of its circulation figures," said editor Andy Phelan. "Our readers and advertisers have been tremendously loyal and we value them highly.
"The Herald Express has evolved over the years and this is another step on that journey. By moving to weekly publishing we believe we will be moving more closely in line with the needs of our readers and advertisers. We also believe that in a changing market environment, this is the best way to secure the long-term future of a strong, independent news organisation serving Torbay and South Devon."
In addition to the weekly print edition of the Herald Express, readers can continue to be informed throughout the week via Twitter, Facebook and the website, where the Herald Express will have a news channel.