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IET appoints two new co-editors-in-chief

The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) has announced the appointment of two new co-editors-in-chief for its Micro & Nano Letters journal.

Professor Peter Dobson, specialising in the area of nano-scale science and Professor Gwo-Bin Vincent Lee specialising in micro-scale science, bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to this rapid publication online journal, says the Institution. The recruitment of these editors-in-chief will further cement the IET’s commitment to providing essential engineering intelligence to researchers in this field with both editors supporting the broad aims and content of this journal and the imminent addition of open access publishing as an option for authors.

Professor Gwo-Bin Vincent Lee is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Power Mechanical Engineering at National Tsing Hua University. Prof Lee is active in the field of micro/nanofluidic systems, with his research lying within their biomedical applications.

“It is a real privilege to be named as one of the editors-in-chief of Micro & Nano Letters,” said Professor Lee. “Something that particularly drew me to this role was the journal’s broad remit which means we can explore a range of subjects and help share and drive innovation in engineering and technology. With competition so fierce amongst researchers today, it’s an excellent opportunity to provide relevant high quality papers that may help others to shape their research and understanding.”

Professor Peter Dobson from the University of Oxford, is responsible for setting up a new type of Science Park that combines university activities with company R&D, and leads a team that facilitates the rapid transfer of technology and knowledge. He is experienced in a broad range of nanotechnology areas and is currently the Strategic Advisor on Nanotechnology to the Research Councils in the UK.

“I am very interested in this role because nanotechnology has reached the stage where it is providing new solutions to old problems, and there are many researchers entering this field from different disciplines. There will be some significant breakthroughs in the next few years in this area and I hope our journal will be an important vehicle in this process”.

Dr Helen Dyball, Executive Editor of the IET’s Letters journals, commented: “Micro & Nano Letters has grown quickly over the last few years and now receives a large number of submissions from the international research community.  With its fast publication times and the addition of open access options in the next few weeks, I believe these appointments will contribute further valuable international scientific experience to this journal and its editorial board, supporting its development and vision for the future.”