The four-weekly title which follows the adventures of the underwater explorers is targeted primarily at 3-5 year olds. Octonauts magazine follows the success of the one-off Octonauts CBeebies Special magazine published in May 2011, which was very well-received by parents and retailers. The new title is the only pre-school magazine that focuses on nature and science. It draws on children’s curiosity of the world under the oceans, combining the thrill of exploring and finding out about nature with learning how to help others and look after our environment.
Pauline Cooke, publisher of Immediate Media’s Pre-school titles, said: “We’re very excited to be working with Silvergate Media to create a magazine for this hugely successful CBeebies programme. The brand has huge appeal among young fans and the launch of this new magazine gives them an opportunity to experience the adventures of the Octonauts in new and exciting ways.”
According to the publishers, the magazine will be bursting with ideas and activities to involve and engage the reader and action-filled stories will pivot on facts about underwater creatures, brought to life by characters with quirky personalities. Each issue includes an educational workbook themed around a mission that needs to be completed through imaginative activities, providing children with the feeling of satisfaction from being part of an adventure with a positive outcome. Octonauts magazine will carry cover-mounted gifts based on role-play, so that our readers can immerse themselves in the Octonauts’ world by becoming part of the team.
To celebrate the arrival of this inventive children’s title, publisher Immediate Media Co is launching a national competition to give parents the chance to win a visit from two of the Octonauts characters at their child’s nursery or school in January 2012. Along with a free copy of the magazine, everyone at the winning school or nursery will receive a printed Octonauts magazine cotton bag and an Octonauts poster. These will be handed out by two popular characters from the undersea crew, Barnacles and Kwasi. To be in with a chance, parents are invited to enter their nursery or school online.
This is the first new title to be added to the portfolio of Immediate Media Co, formerly BBC Magazines, Origin Publishing and Magicalia.
Octonauts magazine will be priced at £2.50 and will be available at all major retailers and independents around the UK from 30 November 2011.