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Industry Steering Group Meets to discuss Draft Royal Charter

The industry steering group met yesterday (Wednesday) to begin detailed examination of the terms of the draft Royal Charter on the Press and of the legislative proposals currently contained in the Crime and Courts Bill and the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill that underpin it.

As reported by the Newspaper Society: The meeting follows a speech by Lord Black in a House of Lords debate on amendments to the Crime and Courts Bill relating to exemplary damages for newspapers outside of the proposed new press regulator.

Lord Black said: “Everything about these proposed new clauses is wrong. They were cobbled together late at night over pizza, with no thought for the legal and constitutional issues involved. They exhibit no understanding of the digital world into which all publishers are moving. They are alien to decades of English law, and almost certainly illegal under European law. They would provide a serious blow to investigative journalism. They would disproportionately impact on smaller publishers and, in particular, the regional press.

“If ever there was a case where this House should have asked the Government and the other place to think long and hard, and to take their time studying the massive implications of what is being proposed, it is this. However, we do not have the ability to do so.

“I may be a lone voice making these points, and the cross-party deal with Hacked Off on its proposals means that these amendments will inevitably become law. I understand that. However, my noble friend is an honourable man and I ask him simply to pause and think again.”

Further work is to be undertaken by the steering group before a wider meeting of the industry in due course. This will include more detailed examination of the issues around the establishment of an arbitration service and consideration of any further legislative changes.

In the meantime, the Foundation Group, chaired by former Head of the Supreme Court Lord Phillips of Worth Maltravers, will meet after Easter to continue its work on establishing independent appointments procedures for a new regulatory structure, in line with Leveson principles.

The meeting on Wednesday was attended by representatives from the Association of Online Publishers; NS; Professional Publishers Association; Scottish NS; Associated Newspapers; Bauer Media; Conde Nast; Guardian Media Group; Haymarket Media Group; Hearst Magazines UK; Immediate Media Co.; IPC Media; London Evening Standard, i, Independent & Independent on Sunday; News International; Telegraph Media Group; Trinity Mirror.