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InYourArea unveils biodegradable land art

InYourArea is joining forces with Clean Up Britain and The Berks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust to highlight the threat litter poses to nature by unveiling a gigantic piece of biodegradable land art with the #DTOF.

InYourArea unveils biodegradable land art
Ed Walker: “Sadly some people are still unwilling to take responsibility for their actions.”

It shows a lesser spotted woodpecker trapped by single use face masks in the Chiltern Hills.

Don’t Trash Our Future (DTOF) is urging the government to increase fixed penalty notices in the UK to £1000, or 100 hrs community litter picking, and to make it compulsory for every local authority in Britain to enforce the law this bank holiday weekend and beyond. People can sign the petition at

The lesser spotted woodpecker has been chosen for the campaign as it is an endangered bird found in the Chilterns and is widely acknowledged as an ecosystem engineer. It only uses its cavity once. It is then recycled by other animals for nesting and roosting by fauna, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and insects. Like other birds, its population has been decimated since the 1970s. The eco-friendly woodpecker image measures 72 metres by 68 metres and took 3 days to paint.

Buckinghamshire Council is one of a number of authorities which under a Freedom of Information request has admitted that it has not issued any fixed penalty notices or made any prosecutions for dropping litter in the last 5 years.

Former Scottish Rugby Union captain Kenny Logan, campaign Chairman of Clean Up Britain (CLUB), said: "I don't think many people could have failed to notice the huge amount of PPE face masks that have been littered, all over the country. These discarded masks are polluting the environment, look very unsightly and can be very dangerous to wildlife and domestic pets. It's a very small thing to ask and to do.... but let's all take much more care over our beautiful country, and ensure we put PPE masks - and indeed all types of litter - where they belong, in the bin".

Estelle Bailey, Chief Executive of the Berks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust said: “Many of us have turned to nature during the pandemic for our physical and mental wellbeing. Yet our wild spaces are being treated like dumping grounds, with plastic bottles and bags, tin cans, broken glass, babies’ nappies and even fridges left on our nature reserves. Rubbish like this can have a devastating and even deadly impact on the wildlife and livestock in our countryside.

“We’re in a nature and climate crisis, and wildlife here in the UK is struggling. We need more nature everywhere – not more litter! We urge everyone to follow the countryside code - respect, protect, enjoy and please, take your litter home.”

Ed Walker, Editor-in-Chief for InYourArea said, “Covid-19 should have given everybody the opportunity to reflect upon the beauty of nature and wildlife. Sadly some people are still unwilling to take responsibility for their actions. Sign the Don’t Trash our Future petition to get the government to ensure councils impose a fixed penalty so we can enjoy everything that nature and wildlife have to offer now and for generations to come.”

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