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Jemm launches mobile division

Jemm Group, the global real-time network, has revealed a new division to its business; Jemm Mobile, which follows the new Platform Services division.

Dave Simms, Head of Business Development, will lead the dedicated Jemm Mobile team, which offers extensive development and advertising solutions across its global network.

Jemm Group acquired US-based mobile publishing platform company OnQueue Technologies, to provide Jemm Mobile with mobile app publishing expertise. OnQueue has over 70 years of enterprise development experience and its mobile publishing platform, Appliciti, provides rapid mobile development across many devices, with the ability to share content and advertisements across apps to bring to its advertisers more reach.

Jemm Mobile can also now deliver “unrivalled” mobile and tablet inventory across the globe. This inventory will be delivered through Jemm’s real-time platform, which offers high-end targeting in real-time and all tablet inventory through premium publishers is 100% exclusive to Jemm Mobile. Jemm Mobile solutions are not only available on major platforms but provide extensive vertical reach from music and sport to healthcare and the automotive industry.

Dave Simms, Head of Business Development at Jemm said: “Jemm Group is looking to take mobile advertising to the next level and beyond the ad networks. The concept of real-time bidding is becoming a hot tool for mobile publishers in order to extract more value from their ad inventory. At Jemm, we think real-time bidding is the next big thing in mobile and I’m thrilled to be involved in this new Jemm Group venture.”

According to Jemm, real-time bidding for mobile ad impressions is growing and coupled with location-based data, it is becoming even more effective. Jemm Mobile will provide geo-targeting on Jemm Mobile’s inventory playing to one of the mobile platform’s key strengths. Ad networks are still primarily focused on ad banners but there are much more effective mobile advertising opportunities available such as, rich media ad format, white label app solutions and mobile video ads. With OnQueue’s patented Appliciti technology Jemm Mobile is now positioned to build apps for iPhone, iPad and Android devices while collecting unparalleled analytics that will deliver direct targeting to Jemm Mobile customers.

Jemm Group has succeeded in keeping the focal point of its real-time network centred on transparency and it aims to do this with its mobile network. Unlike competitors, continues Jemm, who operate blind networks and do not reveal which ads are shown where, it’s the real-time bidding platforms that are delivering real value, allowing advertisers to specify which sites its ads can and cannot be shown on. Jemm Mobile will also ensure brand safety and strive to be leaders in improving brand safety within the industry. The Jemm Group Global Communications Director, Julia Smith is Joint Chair with Scott Burford from Microsoft on the newly formed DTSG board which has replaced IASH.

Julia Smith, Communications Director at Jemm said: “Not only is this an exciting time for Jemm Group as we continue to expand rapidly, but it’s exciting for mobile advertising in general. The mobile ad market has grown at a phenomenal rate and it’s things like real-time bidding that are at the forefront of this growth. While online ads still take a bigger proportion of the advertising landscape, mobile ads are expected to grow much faster as advertisers see the overwhelming potential available by the devices people have glued to their hand, constantly.”

About Jemm

Jemm says: “Jemm was founded in 2007 to cover every angle of a brand’s digital marketing needs. A fully accredited member of IASH, Jemm is focused on brand safety online at the same time as ensuring every publisher’s advert secures maximum revenue and each advertiser achieves optimum performance. Jemm is a true innovator in a market that is resting on its laurels. The business has recently rebranded as a Real Time Network, allowing for a more efficient buying process using RTB to deliver better results for buyers and sellers.”