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Johnston Press in top 25% of CRC table

Johnston Press appears in the top 25% of an annual performance league table for the Environment Agency’s CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme.

The scheme was introduced by the government in 2008 and was designed to encourage and help businesses and organisations in reducing their CO2 emissions, particularly through the use of electricity. It only includes organisations that will save enough on energy bills to offset the administrative costs of participating.

The better an organisation performs in terms of cutting its emissions, the higher it will appear in the annual performance league table.

The latest table (2011/2012) published at the end of February rates 2,097 businesses around the UK and Johnston Press ranks 519th with CO2 emissions of 8,859 tonnes.

Peter McCall, company secretary and chairman of JP’s Carbon Footprint Taskforce, said: “We have worked hard to reduce CO2 emissions across the Group and it’s gratifying to find ourselves so high in the CRC table. There is still plenty of work to do though and reducing our carbon footprint remains a key focus.”