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Launch: Arc

20th February saw the launch of Arc, a bold new digital publication from the makers of New Scientist.

Arc explores the future through cutting-edge science fiction and forward-looking essays by some of the world’s most celebrated authors – such as Margaret Atwood, Stephen Baxter and Alastair Reynolds.

This is backed up with columns by thinkers and practitioners from the worlds of books, design, gaming, film and more – including Leigh Alexander, Adam Roberts and Bruce Sterling.

“Arc is an experiment in how we talk about the future,” Simon Ings, Arc's editor explains. “We wanted to get past sterile ‘visions’ and dream up futures that evoke textures and flavours and passions.” The response, he says, has been amazing.

For New Scientist editor Sumit Paul-Choudhury, Arc is an opportunity to explore new territory. “We’ve known for many years that our readers are fascinated by the future and all the possibilities it raises. But as a magazine of science fact, we can’t indulge that fascination very often,” he explains. “Arc will explore the endless vistas opened up by today’s science and technology. While it’s a very different venture from New Scientist, it will share its unique combination of intelligence, wit and charm.”