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Launch of the Press Distribution Forum

A new self regulated forum for companies in the Press supply chain has recently been established. Adrian Smith, chairman of the PDF, outlines its objectives.

By Adrian Smith

The membership includes the NPA, PPA and ANMW nominated companies Menzies Distribution and Smiths News who believe there are major opportunities to improve the efficiencies of the supply chain by dialogue and consensus.

The PDF’s objectives include:

a) Ensuring a diverse and plural press across the UK

b) Establishing and publishing standards and best practices

c) Creating transparency of supply chain performance

d) Communicating and consulting with other parts of the supply chain that are not yet members

In conjunction with publishing standards, one of the first actions of the PDF has been to launch a new Press Distribution Charter (PDC), which was launched on 1 November; it will serve as a promise of good service to all retailers of newspapers and magazines.

The Charter sets out the standards that retailers of newspapers and magazines, whatever their size or location, should expect to receive from wholesalers and publishers. By being very clear on what is required, it is intended that the PDC will improve service and, most importantly, help retailers better serve their customers.

It is hoped that the Charter will help retailers to resolve most problems quickly and effectively; however, in the event that problems are more serious or persistent, the Charter will be supported by a complaints resolution process which will include independent arbitration.

The complaints resolution process and compliance to the Charter will be overseen by an independent review panel, the Press Distribution Review Panel (PDRP). The PDRP will be made up of newspaper, magazine, wholesale and retail representatives and is currently seeking candidates with retail experience to fill voluntary roles on the Panel.

The Chairman of the PDRP is Neil Robinson who has many years experience in the Press industry and as an arbiter.

A copy of the Charter has been sent to retailers with their newspaper supplies or will be communicated through head offices.

Although retail associations are not currently involved as members of the PDF they are being kept informed of activity and progress and could be eligible to become members if they apply.

Following the publication of the Charter, the PDF are now focusing on three key projects, firstly how the Forum collate and publish a meaningful set of performance reports on the efficiency of the supply chain taking key measures between publishers, wholesalers and retailers. It is intended that the first of these reports will be published early in 2011 on the PDF website.

The second project is to review the pre-notification of press product to retailers and see if a more ‘menu’ approach could be given to differing groups and types of retailers. This group will be consulting with these potential groups as they develop their plans. Any key changes agreed will then be featured in future editions of the PDC.

The final group is relooking at how the supply chain processes for Vouchers can be improved. This is a key area particularly for newspapers and the PDF are of the view that guidelines and processes could be improved by discussion and consensus.

PDF has engaged Call on Us to manage the administration, website and call centre for the PDC.

So the PDF is off to a good start, members are committed to progress at pace, and we look forward to engaging with all aspects of this vibrant market to improve efficiencies and ensure a diverse and plural press across the UK.