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Localstars helps JP revenue growth

Leading regional media company Johnston Press has announced a 55% year on year growth in digital display advertising, in part due to the deployment of the Localstars platform across its 200+ network of local websites.

As part of its financial report and trading statement to the London Stock Exchange, Johnston Press CEO, Ashley Highfield, outlined the company's focus on digital services. The report detailed the substantial uplift in digital advertising revenues since deploying the Localstars technologies:

“Another significant step forward was our partnership with Localstars, a UK-based organisation that has successfully automated the creation of online display advertisements, allowing our local advertisers to seamlessly buy both print and digital services. As a result, local digital display advertising grew 55% year-on-year in Q4.”

Localstars digital advertising technologies give Johnston Press the capability to sell a digital campaign, create an advert and made live on a website in around ten minutes - enabling Johnston Press to rapidly re-engineer both the cost base and sales volumes of digital display advertising. 

"Johnston Press' regional brands have strong resonance with local audiences and together with the team at JP we have created a solution which lets increasing volumes of local advertisers reach this targeted audience online", explained Chris Bunyan (pictured), Managing Director at Localstars.

About Localstars

Localstarts says: “Localstars is a UK-based digital and video advertising business with offices in the UK, Germany, Poland, Italy and Australia.  Localstars' technologies have been adopted by many leading publishing groups and online directories to rapidly increase their digital advertising sales and provide affordable and effective online video and display advertising campaigns to SMEs. The Localstars platform provides the tools to automate the processes for creating, selling, billing and delivering engaging Video and Rich Media Campaigns.”